Yes, I want to support

Donation Amount for Sponsoring Food to 60 Children
Break Fast (Rs. 2000/-)
Lunch Vegetarian ( Rs. 4000/-)
Lunch Non - Vegetarian ( Rs. 5,000/-)
Dinner (Rs. 2000/-)
Full Day Sponsor for Veg Food (Rs.8,000) for Non - Veg (Rs.9,000/-)
Pesonal Hygeine Supplies

Paste, Bath soap, Talcum, Powder,
Washing Powder, Hair Oil, Oil Pulling, Shampoo, Barber Fees, Sanitary napkins - Cost per Child (Rs. 520/- per Month)

Health Care
Cost per Child (Rs. 500/-) for a Month
Educational Needs
School Uniform & clothing, School Tuition, Fees & Supplies - Cost per Child (Rs.6250/- per Year)
You can also donate through Cheque/DD, made in favour of NAVAGRAHA ORPHANAGE CARE HOME FOR CHILDREN. Registered under Section 12A of Income Tax Act, 1961. Donations to Smile Foundation are exempted from tax u/s 80G of IT Act.

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Children Old Age Annadhanam Education Health Care Burial Events Skills Training


widow remarriage Estimated Expenses for Widow Marriage - Rs.25,000/-
bavithra Fixed Deposit / Child towards Higher Education - Rs.50,000/-
devika Adopt a Child and Meet Complete Expenses
burial Estimated Burial Expenses per Elder - Rs.3,000/-
lic Insure a Child under LIC's Komal Jeeven Policy to ensure bright Future